Common Sense Rules Here!
Please read this entire file! (updated April 2020)
- Regarding privacy and data collection and age of users:
We don't collect anything from anyone, and if you use the
site it means that you think you can, you think you should,
and you promise not to endanger yourself or anyone else.
- No one can be charged a fee to view any web file on or from this site.
If you have been charged, contact
administrator to complain.
No one can use anything posted on Climber.Org web pages for profit,
nor can they copy it to a place where profit is possible. Don't plagiarize!
ask us to post something you intend for us to archive it on the web
where it will be generally visible to the public. You are personally
liable for copyright violations based on what you give us and the
implicit or explicit guarantee you make that you own that material.
- What is Climber.Org? It's a domain name registered by Steve Eckert
and dedicated to the free exchange of information between peak
climbers everywhere. Steve set up the first crude (homebrew BBS)
version of such a service in 1993, the first climber's email list
in 1994, and Aaron Schuman built a remarkably informative (for its
day) website with trip reports and links to useful resources.
(that's enough rules, don't you think?)
What you see is what's left after the heyday of 600 email list subscribers
and a busy trip schedule dwindled as tribal factions squabbled over
who had the better political and socioeconomic world view. Sigh.
But the content remains online just in case you find it useful.
Please let me know
if you'd like to jump start this domain with new ideas or content.