Sorted List of 344 Sierra Peaks
Generated on 10 Aug 2024 - see revision history - please send updates to the webmaster
Click on any of the 344 peak names for details like GPS coordinates, climbing difficulty, elevation, and a regional map showing other peaks in the area.
Sierra Peaks List sorted alphabetically on SPS column | ||||||||||||||
click on these headings to sort by that column | click on these headings for more info | |||||||||||||
Num | Peak Name (more links) | Waypoint | Elev | SPS | Class | Pics and Reports | Register | |||||||
1.1 | Pilot Knob S | PILOTS | 6200+ | 2 | 8 reports on pilot | |||||||||
1.2 | Owens Peak | OWENSP | 8453 | 2 | 1 pic of OwensPeak 2 reports on owens | |||||||||
1.3 | Spanish Needle | SPANIS | 7841 | 3 | 1 pic of SpanishNeedle 12 reports on spanish | |||||||||
1.4 | Lamont Peak | LAMONP | 7429 | 2 | 1 pic of LamontPeak 4 reports on lamont | |||||||||
1.5 | Sawtooth Peak S | SAWTOS | 8000+ | 2 | 1 pic of SawtoothPeakS 18 reports on sawtooth | |||||||||
1.6 | Rockhouse Peak | ROCKHP | 8360+ | 2 | 7 reports on rockhouse | |||||||||
1.7 | Taylor Dome | TAYLOR | 8802 | 2s3 | 7 reports on taylor | |||||||||
1.8 | Sirretta Peak | SIRREP | 9977 | 1 | 7 reports on sirretta | |||||||||
1.9 | Crag Peak | CRAGPK | 9480+ | 3 | 8 reports on crag | |||||||||
1.10 | Smith Mtn | SMITHM | 9533 | 2s3 | 6 reports on smith | |||||||||
2.1 | Kern Peak | KERNPK | 11510 | 1 | 1 pic of KernPeak 4 reports on kern | need container, has small book in baggie under map stand as of 5-24-2015 | ||||||||
2.2 | Angora Mtn | ANGORM | 10198 | 2 | 1 pic of AngoraMtn 2 reports on angora | |||||||||
2.3 | Coyote Peak | COYOTP | 10892 | 2 | 1 pic of CoyotePeak 2 reports on coyote | |||||||||
2.4 | North Maggie Mtn | NMAGGM | 10234 | 1 | 2 reports on maggie | |||||||||
2.5 | Moses Mtn | MOSESM | 9331 | 3 | 4 reports on moses | need book and container | ||||||||
2.6 | Homers Nose | HOMERS | 9023 | 1 | 1 pic of HomersNose 9 reports on homers | |||||||||
2.7 | Vandever Mtn | VANDEM | 11947 | 1 | 6 reports on vandever | need container, book, pencil | ||||||||
2.8 | Florence Peak | FLOREP | 12432 | 2 | 10 reports on florence | |||||||||
2.9 | Sawtooth Peak N | SAWTON | 12343 | 2 | 2 pics of SawtoothPeakN 18 reports on sawtooth | need Ammo Box lid slid down a crack, hard to get as of 8/9/15 | ||||||||
2.10 | Needham Mtn | NEEDHM | 12520+ | 2s3 | 7 reports on needham | need container, book, pencil | ||||||||
3.2 | Cartago Peak | CARTAP | 10480+ | 2s3 | 6 reports on cartago | |||||||||
3.3 | Muah Mtn | MUAHMT | 11016 | 2 | 1 pic of MuahMtn 6 reports on muah | |||||||||
3.4 | Cirque Peak | CIRQUP | 12900 | 1 | 4 reports on cirque | |||||||||
3.5 | Langley Mt | LANGLM | 14026 | 1 | 1 pic of LangleyMt 13 reports on langley | |||||||||
3.6 | Guyot Mt | GUYOTM | 12300 | 1 | 4 reports on guyot | |||||||||
3.7 | Joe Devel Peak | JOEDEP | 13327 | 2 | 5 reports on joedevel | |||||||||
3.8 | Pickering Mt | PICKEM | 13474 | 2 | 1 pic of PickeringMt 7 reports on pickering | |||||||||
3.9 | Chamberlin Mt | CHAMBM | 13169 | 1 | 4 reports on chamberlin | |||||||||
3.10 | Newcomb Mt | NEWCOM | 13422 | 2 | 5 reports on newcomb | |||||||||
3.11 | Hitchcock Mt | HITCHM | 13186 | 1 | 3 reports on hitchcock | |||||||||
4.1 | Corcoran Mt | CORCOM | 13714+ | 2 | 8 reports on corcoran | |||||||||
4.3 | Mallory Mt | MALLOM | 13845 | 2 | 1 pic of MalloryMt 11 reports on mallory | |||||||||
4.4 | Irvine Mt | IRVINM | 13780+ | 2 | 1 pic of IrvineMt 12 reports on irvine | |||||||||
4.6 | Muir Mt | MUIRMT | 14012 | 3 | 1 pic of MuirMt 10 reports on muir | |||||||||
4.8 | Thor Peak | THORPK | 12306 | 2 | 1 pic of ThorPeak 10 reports on thor | |||||||||
4.9 | Lone Pine Peak | LONEPP | 12943 | 2 | 1 pic of LonePinePeak 13 reports on pine | |||||||||
5.1 | Young Mt | YOUNGM | 13176 | 1 | 3 reports on young | |||||||||
5.2 | Hale Mt | HALEMT | 13494 | 1 | 3 reports on hale | |||||||||
5.4 | Carillon Mt | CARILM | 13517+ | 2 | 1 pic of CarillonMt 7 reports on carillon | need book | ||||||||
5.5 | Tunnabora Peak | TUNNAP | 13563 | 2 | 2 pics of TunnaboraPeak 7 reports on tunnabora | |||||||||
5.6 | Barnard Mt | BARNAM | 13990 | 2 | 9 reports on barnard | |||||||||
5.7 | Trojan Peak | TROJAP | 13947 | 2 | 8 reports on trojan | |||||||||
5.8 | Tyndall Mt | TYNDAM | 14019 | 2 | 1 pic of TyndallMt 13 reports on tyndall | need book | ||||||||
6.1 | Alta Peak | ALTAPK | 11208 | 1 | 1 pic of AltaPeak 8 reports on alta | need rusted ammo box, registers in plastic bag as of Oct 2017 | ||||||||
6.2 | Silliman Mt | SILLIM | 11188 | 1 | 2 pics of SillimanMt 11 reports on silliman | need book (full) | ||||||||
6.3 | Eisen Mt | EISENM | 12160+ | 2 | 3 reports on eisen | |||||||||
6.4 | Lippincott Mtn | LIPPIM | 12265 | 2 | 1 pic of LippincottMtn 3 reports on lippincott | |||||||||
6.5 | Eagle Scout Peak | EAGLSP | 12000+ | 2 | 4 reports on eagle | |||||||||
6.6 | Stewart Mt | STEWAM | 12200+ | 2 | 3 reports on stewart | |||||||||
6.7 | Lion Rock | LIONRO | 12360+ | 2 | 1 pic of LionRock 2 reports on lion | |||||||||
6.9 | Red Kaweah | REDKAW | 13720+ | 2 | 15 reports on kaweah | |||||||||
6.11 | Picket Guard Peak | PICKEP | 12303 | 2 | 1 pic of PicketGuardPeak 3 reports on picketguard | |||||||||
6.12 | Kern Point | KERNPO | 12730+ | 2 | 1 pic of KernPoint 4 reports on kern | |||||||||
7.2 | Glacier Ridge | GLACIR | 12360+ | 2s4 | 1 pic of GlacierRidge 5 reports on glacier | |||||||||
7.3 | Whaleback | WHALEB | 11717 | 3 | 1 pic of Whaleback 2 reports on whaleback | |||||||||
7.5 | Midway Mtn | MIDWAM | 13665 | 2 | 2 pics of MidwayMtn 7 reports on midway | |||||||||
7.8 | South Guard | SGUARD | 13232 | 2 | 1 pic of SouthGuard 6 reports on guard | |||||||||
7.10 | North Guard | NGUARD | 13327 | 3s4 | 6 reports on guard | |||||||||
8.1 | Jordan Mt | JORDAM | 13320+ | 3s4 | 1 pic of JordanMt 4 reports on jordan | |||||||||
8.2 | Genevra Mt | GENEVM | 13054 | 2 | 4 reports on genevra | |||||||||
8.4 | Stanford S Mt | STANFS | 13973 | 3 | 15 reports on stanford | need book and container | ||||||||
8.7 | West Vidette | WVIDET | 12533+ | 2 | 7 reports on vidette | need book | ||||||||
8.9 | Keith Mt | KEITHM | 13976 | 2 | 9 reports on keith | |||||||||
8.10 | Bradley Mt | BRADLM | 13264 | 2 | 1 pic of BradleyMt 6 reports on bradley | |||||||||
8.11 | Center Peak | CENTEP | 12730+ | 2s4 | 7 reports on center | |||||||||
8.12 | Caltech Peak | CALTEP | 13832 | 2 | 5 reports on caltech | |||||||||
9.2 | Independence Peak | INDEPP | 11742 | 3 | 2 pics of IndependencePeak 7 reports on independence | |||||||||
9.3 | Kearsarge Peak | KEARSP | 12618 | 1 | 1 pic of KearsargePeak 8 reports on kearsarge | |||||||||
9.4 | Gould Mt | GOULDM | 13005 | 1s3 | 1 pic of GouldMt 7 reports on gould | |||||||||
9.5 | Rixford Mt | RIXFOM | 12887 | 2 | 1 pic of RixfordMt 4 reports on rixford | |||||||||
9.6 | Bago Mt | BAGOMT | 11870 | 1 | 1 pic of BagoMt 2 reports on bago | |||||||||
9.8 | Cotter Mt | COTTEM | 12713 | 2 | 6 reports on cotter | need book for Ammo Box | ||||||||
9.10 | Dragon Peak | DRAGOP | 12927+ | 3s4 | 6 reports on dragon | |||||||||
9.11 | Black Mtn | BLACKM | 13291 | 2 | 8 reports on black | need book | ||||||||
9.12 | Diamond Peak | DIAMOP | 13127 | 2 | 1 pic of DiamondPeak 5 reports on diamond | |||||||||
10.1 | Baxter Mt | BAXTEM | 13136 | 2 | 1 pic of BaxterMt 4 reports on baxter | |||||||||
10.2 | Colosseum Mtn | COLOSM | 12451 | 1 | 3 reports on colosseum | |||||||||
10.3 | Perkins Mt | PERKIM | 12566 | 2 | 3 reports on perkins | |||||||||
10.4 | Wynne Mt | WYNNEM | 13179 | 2 | 5 reports on wynne | |||||||||
10.5 | Pinchot Mt | PINCHM | 13494 | 2 | 1 pic of PinchotMt 7 reports on pinchot | |||||||||
10.6 | Pyramid Peak S | PYRAMS | 12779 | 2 | 1 pic of PyramidPeakS 18 reports on pyramid | |||||||||
10.8 | Striped Mtn | STRIPM | 13179 | 1 | 1 pic of StripedMtn 5 reports on striped | need everything | ||||||||
10.9 | Goodale Mtn | GOODAM | 12772 | 2s3 | 2 reports on goodale | |||||||||
10.10 | Cardinal Mtn | CARDIM | 13396 | 2 | 1 pic of CardinalMtn 3 reports on cardinal | |||||||||
11.2 | Marion Peak | MARIOP | 12719 | 2 | 1 pic of MarionPeak 2 reports on marion | |||||||||
11.3 | State Peak | STATEP | 12620 | 2 | 1 pic of StatePeak 3 reports on state | |||||||||
11.4 | Goat Mtn | GOATMT | 12207 | 2 | 4 reports on goat | |||||||||
11.5 | Kennedy Mtn | KENNEM | 11433 | 1 | 7 reports on kennedy | |||||||||
11.6 | Harrington Mt | HARRIM | 11009 | 3 | 11 reports on harrington | |||||||||
11.8 | Spanish Mtn | SPANIM | 10051 | 1 | 12 reports on spanish | |||||||||
11.9 | Three Sisters | THREES | 10612 | 1 | 4 reports on sister | need book sized for ammo box: 10" x 6.5" | ||||||||
12.2 | Tinemaha Mt | TINEMM | 12520 | 2 | 2 reports on tinemaha | need container, book is in baggie May 2014 | ||||||||
12.3 | Prater Mt | PRATEM | 13471 | 1 | 3 reports on prater | |||||||||
12.4 | Bolton Brown Mt | BOLTOM | 13491 | 2 | 1 pic of BoltonBrownMt 4 reports on bolton | |||||||||
12.5 | Birch Mtn | BIRCHM | 13602 | 2 | 4 reports on birch | |||||||||
12.6 | Thumb The | THUMBT | 13356 | 2 | 3 reports on thumb | |||||||||
12.7 | Disappointment Peak | DISAPP | 13917 | 4s3 | 4 reports on disappointment | |||||||||
12.10 | Palisade Crest | PALCRE | 13553 | 4 | 3 pics of PalisadeCrest 39 reports on palisade | |||||||||
13.1 | Observation Peak | OBSERP | 12362 | 2 | 5 reports on observation | |||||||||
13.2 | Giraud Peak | GIRAUP | 12608 | 2 | 4 reports on giraud | |||||||||
13.4 | Wheel Mtn | WHEELM | 12774 | 3 | 3 reports on wheel | |||||||||
13.6 | Black Giant | BLACKG | 13330 | 1 | 1 pic of BlackGiant 3 reports on giant | |||||||||
13.8 | Scylla | SCYLLA | 12956 | 2 | 1 pic of Scylla 4 reports on scylla | |||||||||
13.10 | Reinstein Mt | REINSM | 12586 | 2 | 7 reports on reinstein | |||||||||
13.11 | Finger Peak | FINGEP | 12404 | 2 | 6 reports on finger | |||||||||
13.12 | Tunemah Peak | TUNEMP | 11894 | 2 | 4 reports on tunemah | |||||||||
14.1 | Temple Crag | TEMPLE | 12976 | 3 | 2 pics of TempleCrag 9 reports on temple | need book and container | ||||||||
14.2 | Gayley Mt | GAYLEM | 13510 | 3 | 1 pic of GayleyMt 13 reports on gayley | |||||||||
14.6 | Winchell Mt | WINCHM | 13775 | 3 | 1 pic of WinchellMt 10 reports on winchell | |||||||||
14.7 | Agassiz Mt | AGASSM | 13893 | 2 | 1 pic of AgassizMt 7 reports on agassiz | |||||||||
14.8 | Goode Mt | GOODEM | 13085 | 2 | 1 pic of GoodeMt 7 reports on goode | |||||||||
14.9 | Cloudripper | CLOUDR | 13525 | 2 | 1 pic of Cloudripper 5 reports on cloudripper | |||||||||
14.10 | Johnson Mt | JOHNSM | 12871 | 2 | 6 reports on johnson | |||||||||
14.11 | Gilbert Mt | GILBEM | 13106 | 2 | 4 reports on gilbert | |||||||||
15.1 | Thompson Mt | THOMPM | 13494 | 2 | 1 pic of ThompsonMt 11 reports on thompson | |||||||||
15.2 | Powell aka Pt Powell | POWELP | 13360+ | 2s3 | 1 pic of PowellakaPtPowell 10 reports on powell | |||||||||
15.3 | Wallace Mt | WALLAM | 13377 | 2s3 | 4 reports on wallace | |||||||||
15.4 | Haeckel Mt | HAECKM | 13418 | 3 | 6 reports on haeckel | |||||||||
15.5 | Fiske Mt | FISKEM | 13503 | 2 | 3 reports on fiske | |||||||||
15.6 | Huxley Mt | HUXLEM | 13086 | 3 | 4 reports on huxley | |||||||||
15.8 | Mendel Mt | MENDEM | 13710 | 3 | 1 pic of MendelMt 8 reports on mendel | |||||||||
15.9 | Lamarck Mt | LAMARM | 13417 | 1 | 2 reports on lamarck | |||||||||
15.11 | McGee Mt | MCGEEM | 12944 | 3 | 3 reports on mcgee | |||||||||
15.12 | Emerald Peak | EMERAP | 12546 | 2 | 2 reports on emerald | |||||||||
15.13 | Henry Mt | HENRYM | 12196 | 2 | 6 reports on henry | |||||||||
16.1 | Goethe Mt | GOETHM | 13264 | 1 | 8 reports on goethe | |||||||||
16.2 | Emerson Mt | EMERSM | 13204 | 2 | 1 pic of EmersonMt 6 reports on emerson | need Permanent Container (has book in plastic box) | ||||||||
16.4 | Basin Mtn | BASINM | 13181 | 2 | 1 pic of BasinMtn 4 reports on basin | |||||||||
16.5 | Four Gables | FOURGA | 12720+ | 1 | 1 pic of FourGables 11 reports on gables | need Ammo box with book chained on UNNAMED peak (12,801), higher and south of Four Gables | ||||||||
16.6 | Tom Mt | TOMMT | 13652 | 2 | 1 pic of TomMt 6 reports on tom | |||||||||
16.7 | Pilot Knob N | PILOTN | 12245 | 2 | 8 reports on pilot | |||||||||
16.8 | Gemini | GEMINI | 12880+ | 2 | 1 pic of Gemini 5 reports on gemini | |||||||||
16.10 | Senger Mt | SENGEM | 12286 | 2 | 5 reports on senger | |||||||||
16.11 | Hooper Mt | HOOPEM | 12349 | 2s4 | 6 reports on hooper | |||||||||
17.1 | Merriam Peak | MERRIP | 13103 | 2 | 2 pics of MerriamPeak 10 reports on merriam | |||||||||
17.2 | Royce Peak | ROYCEP | 13280+ | 2 | 1 pic of RoycePeak 8 reports on royce | need container and book missing after thorough search May 2012 | ||||||||
17.3 | Julius Caesar Mt | JULIUM | 13200+ | 2 | 1 pic of JuliusCaesarMt 7 reports on juliuscaesar | need needs repair as of June 2014 - please contact Harry | ||||||||
17.4 | Hilgard Mt | HILGAM | 13361 | 2 | 1 pic of HilgardMt 5 reports on hilgard | |||||||||
17.5 | Recess Peak | RECESP | 12813 | 2 | 1 pic of RecessPeak 4 reports on recess | need Container and Book | ||||||||
17.6 | Gabb Mt | GABBMT | 13680+ | 2 | 3 pics of GabbMt 6 reports on gabb | need box, book, pencil (box placed in 2014 vanished) | ||||||||
17.8 | Dade Mt | DADEMT | 13600+ | 2 | 2 pics of DadeMt 13 reports on dade | |||||||||
17.10 | Mills Mt | MILLSM | 13451 | 3 | 1 pic of MillsMt 3 reports on mills | |||||||||
17.11 | Morgan S Mt | MORGNS | 13748 | 2 | 1 pic of MorganSMt 11 reports on morgan | need container, pencil, book | ||||||||
18.1 | Silver Peak | SILVEP | 11878 | 2 | 1 pic of SilverPeak 9 reports on silver | |||||||||
18.2 | Izaak Walton Mt | IZAAKM | 12077 | 2 | 5 reports on izaakwalton | |||||||||
18.3 | Red And White Mtn | REDWHM | 12816 | 2 | 1 pic of RedAndWhiteMtn 15 reports on red | need container and maybe book (new book in half a gatorade bottle as of 2015) | ||||||||
18.5 | Stanford N Mt | STANFN | 12838 | 2 | 1 pic of StanfordNMt 15 reports on stanford | |||||||||
18.6 | Morgan N Mt | MORGNN | 13002 | 2 | 1 pic of MorganNMt 11 reports on morgan | |||||||||
18.7 | Baldwin Mt | BALDWM | 12615 | 2 | 2 pics of BaldwinMt 7 reports on baldwin | |||||||||
18.9 | Bloody Mtn | BLOODM | 12552 | 2 | 1 pic of BloodyMtn 6 reports on bloody | |||||||||
19.1 | Iron Mtn | IRONMT | 11148 | 1 | 1 pic of IronMtn 3 reports on iron | |||||||||
19.4 | Banner Peak | BANNEP | 12936 | 2 | 2 pics of BannerPeak 6 reports on banner | |||||||||
19.5 | Davis Mt | DAVISM | 12303 | 2 | 6 reports on davis | |||||||||
19.6 | Rodgers Peak | RODGEP | 12978 | 2 | 5 reports on rodgers | |||||||||
19.7 | Electra Peak | ELECTP | 12442 | 2 | 1 pic of ElectraPeak 5 reports on electra | |||||||||
19.8 | Foerster Peak | FOERSP | 12057 | 2 | 1 pic of FoersterPeak 5 reports on foerster | |||||||||
19.9 | San Joaquin Mtn | SANJOM | 11598 | 1 | 1 pic of SanJoaquinMtn 5 reports on sanjoaquin | need container and book | ||||||||
20.1 | Merced Peak | MERCEP | 11726 | 2 | 5 reports on merced | |||||||||
20.2 | Red Peak | REDPEA | 11699 | 2 | 2 pics of RedPeak 15 reports on red | |||||||||
20.3 | Gray Peak | GRAYPK | 11573 | 2 | 6 reports on gray | |||||||||
20.6 | Half Dome | HALFDO | 8840+ | 2 | 1 pic of HalfDome 11 reports on half | |||||||||
20.7 | Clouds Rest | CLOUDS | 9926 | 1 | 1 pic of CloudsRest 4 reports on cloudsrest | |||||||||
21.2 | Vogelsang Peak | VOGELP | 11493 | 2 | 1 pic of VogelsangPeak 4 reports on vogelsang | need Book (up to 10x6.5in) for Ammo Box. Has small notebook filling up. | ||||||||
21.3 | Florence Mt | FLOREM | 12561 | 2 | 10 reports on florence | |||||||||
21.4 | Maclure Mt | MACLUM | 12880+ | 3 | 1 pic of MaclureMt 6 reports on maclure | |||||||||
21.6 | Koip Peak | KOIPPK | 12962 | 1 | 3 reports on koip | |||||||||
21.7 | Gibbs Mt | GIBBSM | 12773 | 1 | 1 pic of GibbsMt 3 reports on gibbs | need pencil and Book (up to 10x6.5) for Ammo Box | ||||||||
21.8 | Dana Mt | DANAMT | 13057 | 1 | 2 pics of DanaMt 15 reports on dana | need book | ||||||||
22.1 | Warren Mt | WARREM | 12327 | 1 | 1 pic of WarrenMt 4 reports on warren | need container, to replace gatorade bottle April 2013 | ||||||||
22.2 | Conness Mt | CONNEM | 12590 | 2 | 2 pics of ConnessMt 18 reports on conness | |||||||||
22.3 | North Peak | NOPEAK | 12242 | 2 | 2 pics of NorthPeak 20 reports on north | |||||||||
22.4 | Excelsior Mtn | EXCELM | 12446 | 1 | 1 pic of ExcelsiorMtn 6 reports on excelsior | need Permanent Container (has book in fragile plastic box) | ||||||||
22.5 | Dunderberg Peak | DUNDEP | 12374 | 2 | 1 pic of DunderbergPeak 4 reports on dunderberg | |||||||||
22.6 | Virginia Peak | VIRGIP | 12001 | 2 | 1 pic of VirginiaPeak 9 reports on virginia | need book and container | ||||||||
22.7 | Twin Peaks N | TWINPN | 12323 | 2 | 1 pic of TwinPeaksN 10 reports on twin | need book and container | ||||||||
22.10 | Pettit Peak | PETTIP | 10788 | 2 | 3 reports on pettit | |||||||||
22.11 | Volunteer Peak | VOLUNP | 10481 | 2 | 3 reports on volunteer | |||||||||
22.12 | Piute Mtn | PIUTEM | 10541 | 2 | 3 reports on piute | |||||||||
23.1 | Black Hawk Mtn | BLACKH | 10348 | 2 | 1 pic of BlackHawkMtn 4 reports on hawk | need book and container, upgrade for current plastic container | ||||||||
23.2 | Leavitt Peak | LEAVIP | 11569 | 1 | 3 pics of LeavittPeak 5 reports on leavitt | |||||||||
23.3 | Stanislaus Peak | STANIP | 11233 | 1s2 | 1 pic of StanislausPeak 3 reports on stanislaus | need container, book, pencil | ||||||||
23.4 | Disaster Peak | DISASP | 10047 | 2 | 4 reports on disaster | |||||||||
23.5 | Highland Peak | HILANP | 10935 | 2 | 1 pic of HighlandPeak 3 reports on highland | |||||||||
23.6 | Mokelumne Peak | MOKELP | 9334 | 2 | 1 pic of MokelumnePeak 6 reports on mokelumne | need register is completely missing | ||||||||
23.7 | Round Top | ROUNDT | 10381 | 3 | 3 pics of RoundTop 15 reports on round | need book, getting pretty ful | ||||||||
23.8 | Freel Peak | FREELP | 10881 | 1 | 1 pic of FreelPeak 6 reports on freel | |||||||||
23.9 | Pyramid Peak N | PYRAMN | 9983 | 2 | 1 pic of PyramidPeakN 18 reports on pyramid | |||||||||
23.10 | Dicks Peak | DICKSP | 9974 | 2 | 1 pic of DicksPeak 6 reports on dicks | |||||||||
23.11 | Tallac Mt | TALLAM | 9735 | 1 | 1 pic of TallacMt 9 reports on tallac | |||||||||
24.1 | Granite Chief | GRANIT | 9006 | 1 | 1 pic of GraniteChief 12 reports on granite | |||||||||
24.2 | Tinker Knob | TINKER | 8949 | 1 | 5 reports on tinker | |||||||||
24.3 | Castle Peak | CASTLP | 9103 | 2s3 | 2 pics of CastlePeak 7 reports on castle | |||||||||
24.4 | Rose Mt | ROSEMT | 10776 | 1 | 2 reports on rose | need book and container | ||||||||
24.5 | Lola Mt | LOLAMT | 9148 | 1 | 6 reports on lola | |||||||||
24.6 | English Mtn | ENGLIM | 8373 | 2 | 4 reports on english | need book | ||||||||
24.7 | Sierra Buttes | SIERRA | 8591 | 1 | 2 pics of SierraButtes 5 reports on sierra | |||||||||
24.8 | Elwell Mt | ELWELM | 7818 | 1 | 3 reports on elwell | need book and container (climbed very often) | ||||||||
24.9 | Adams Peak | ADAMSP | 8197 | 2 | 1 pic of AdamsPeak 3 reports on adams | |||||||||
3.1 | Olancha Peak | OLANCP | 12123 | Emblem Peak | 2 | 2 pics of OlanchaPeak 9 reports on olancha | need book and container | |||||||
4.7 | Whitney Mt | WHITNM | 14491 | Emblem Peak | 1 | 3 pics of WhitneyMt 39 reports on whitney | ||||||||
5.9 | Williamson Mt | WILLIM | 14370+ | Emblem Peak | 2 | 2 pics of WilliamsonMt 18 reports on williamson | ||||||||
6.8 | Kaweah Mt | KAWEAM | 13802 | Emblem Peak | 1 | 1 pic of KaweahMt 15 reports on kaweah | need container | |||||||
7.9 | Brewer Mt | BREWEM | 13570 | Emblem Peak | 2 | 1 pic of BrewerMt 6 reports on brewer | ||||||||
9.9 | Clarence King Mt | CLAREM | 12907 | Emblem Peak | 4s5 | 1 pic of ClarenceKingMt 8 reports on clarence | ||||||||
12.1 | Split Mtn | SPLITM | 14042+ | Emblem Peak | 1 | 2 pics of SplitMtn 14 reports on split | need large book up to 8 inch x 5 inch | |||||||
13.9 | Goddard Mt | GODDAM | 13568 | Emblem Peak | 2 | 2 pics of GoddardMt 7 reports on goddard | ||||||||
14.4 | North Palisade | NORPAL | 14242 | Emblem Peak | 4 | 1 pic of NorthPalisade 39 reports on palisade | need book | |||||||
15.7 | Darwin Mt | DARWIM | 13831 | Emblem Peak | 3s4 | 1 pic of DarwinMt 9 reports on darwin | ||||||||
16.3 | Humphreys Mt | HUMPHM | 13986 | Emblem Peak | 4 | 3 pics of HumphreysMt 10 reports on humphreys | ||||||||
17.9 | Abbot Mt | ABBOTM | 13704 | Emblem Peak | 3 | 1 pic of AbbotMt 7 reports on abbot | need everything | |||||||
19.3 | Ritter Mt | RITTEM | 13143 | Emblem Peak | 2 | 2 pics of RitterMt 24 reports on ritter | ||||||||
21.5 | Lyell Mt | LYELLM | 13114 | Emblem Peak | 3 | 1 pic of LyellMt 9 reports on lyell | ||||||||
22.9 | Matterhorn Peak | MATTEP | 12279 | Emblem Peak | 2 | 1 pic of MatterhornPeak 15 reports on matterhorn | need book, has Ammo Box | |||||||
4.2 | Leconte Mt | LECONM | 13930 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 2 pics of LeconteMt 9 reports on leconte | ||||||||
4.5 | McAdie Mt | MCADIM | 13799 | Mountaineer's Peak | 2 | 1 pic of McAdieMt 7 reports on mcadie | ||||||||
5.3 | Russell Mt | RUSSEM | 14088 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 2 pics of RussellMt 26 reports on russell | need book and container | |||||||
6.10 | Black Kaweah | BLACKK | 13720+ | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 2 pics of BlackKaweah 15 reports on kaweah | ||||||||
7.1 | Triple Divide Peak S | TRIPLS | 12634 | Mountaineer's Peak | 2 | 1 pic of TripleDividePeakS 5 reports on triple | ||||||||
7.4 | Milestone Mtn | MILESM | 13638 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 3 pics of MilestoneMtn 7 reports on milestone | ||||||||
7.6 | Table Mtn | TABLEM | 13632 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 1 pic of TableMtn 5 reports on table | ||||||||
7.7 | Thunder Mtn | THUNDM | 13517+ | Mountaineer's Peak | 3s4 | 1 pic of ThunderMtn 6 reports on thunder | ||||||||
8.3 | Ericsson Mt | ERICSM | 13583+ | Mountaineer's Peak | 2 | 3 reports on ericsson | ||||||||
8.5 | Deerhorn Mtn | DEERHM | 13281 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 5 reports on deerhorn | ||||||||
8.6 | East Vidette | EVIDET | 12356 | Mountaineer's Peak | 2s3 | 7 reports on vidette | ||||||||
8.8 | Junction Peak | JUNCTP | 13845+ | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 5 reports on junction | ||||||||
9.1 | University Peak | UNIVEP | 13589 | Mountaineer's Peak | 2 | 2 pics of UniversityPeak 7 reports on university | ||||||||
9.7 | Gardiner Mt | GARDIM | 12907 | Mountaineer's Peak | 4 | 1 pic of GardinerMt 8 reports on gardiner | ||||||||
10.7 | Arrow Peak | ARROWP | 12959 | Mountaineer's Peak | 2 | 1 pic of ArrowPeak 7 reports on arrow | ||||||||
11.1 | Ruskin Mt | RUSKIM | 12920 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 1 pic of RuskinMt 7 reports on ruskin | ||||||||
11.7 | Tehipite Dome | TEHIPI | 7708 | Mountaineer's Peak | 2s3 | 8 reports on tehipite | ||||||||
12.8 | Middle Palisade | MIDPAL | 14012 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 2 pics of MiddlePalisade 39 reports on palisade | ||||||||
12.9 | Norman Clyde Peak | NORMAP | 13855 | Mountaineer's Peak | 4 | 1 pic of NormanClydePeak 8 reports on normanclyde | ||||||||
13.3 | Devils Crag 1 | DEVILS | 12400+ | Mountaineer's Peak | 4 | 1 pic of DevilsCrag1 5 reports on devil | ||||||||
13.5 | McDuffie Mt | MCDUFM | 13282 | Mountaineer's Peak | 2 | 3 reports on mcduffie | ||||||||
13.7 | Charybdis | CHARYB | 13096 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 1 pic of Charybdis 3 reports on charybdis | ||||||||
14.3 | Sill Mt | SILLMT | 14153 | Mountaineer's Peak | 2 | 3 pics of SillMt 19 reports on sill | need ammo box and book (now has book in water bottle) | |||||||
14.5 | Thunderbolt Peak | THUNDP | 14003 | Mountaineer's Peak | 4s5 | 3 pics of ThunderboltPeak 10 reports on thunderbolt | ||||||||
15.10 | Hermit The | HERMIT | 12328 | Mountaineer's Peak | 2s5 | 1 pic of HermitThe 2 reports on hermit | ||||||||
16.9 | Seven Gables | SEVENG | 13080+ | Mountaineer's Peak | 2s3 | 1 pic of SevenGables 11 reports on gables | ||||||||
17.7 | Bear Creek Spire | BEARCK | 13720+ | Mountaineer's Peak | 3s4 | 3 pics of BearCreekSpire 15 reports on bear | ||||||||
18.4 | Red Slate Mtn | REDSLM | 13123+ | Mountaineer's Peak | 1 | 3 pics of RedSlateMtn 7 reports on slate | ||||||||
18.8 | Morrison Mt | MORRIM | 12277 | Mountaineer's Peak | 2 | 1 pic of MorrisonMt 7 reports on morrison | need book and container | |||||||
19.2 | Clyde Minaret | CLYDEM | 12264 | Mountaineer's Peak | 4 | 1 pic of ClydeMinaret 5 reports on clyde | ||||||||
20.4 | Clark Mt | CLARKM | 11522 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3s4 | 1 pic of ClarkMt 8 reports on clark | ||||||||
20.5 | Starr King Mt | STARRK | 9092 | Mountaineer's Peak | 5 | 1 pic of StarrKingMt 12 reports on starr | need better container or plastic bags to stop water damage | |||||||
21.1 | Cathedral Peak | CATHEP | 10911 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3s4 | 1 pic of CathedralPeak 15 reports on cathedral | need container and book (climbed too often?) | |||||||
22.8 | Whorl Mtn | WHORLM | 12033 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 2 pics of WhorlMtn 8 reports on whorl | need book and container and pencil (everything in wet ziplok as of Sep 2015) | |||||||
22.13 | Tower Peak | TOWERP | 11755 | Mountaineer's Peak | 3 | 2 pics of TowerPeak 4 reports on tower | need book (up to 8x5) and pencil | |||||||
4.10 | Miter The | MITERT | 12770 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 2 reports on miter | ||||||||
5.10 | Versteeg Mt | VERSTM | 13470 | X not on SPS List | 2-3 | 1 pic of VersteegMt 3 reports on versteeg | ||||||||
6.13 | Pyramidal Pinnacle | PYRAMI | 13665 | X not on SPS List | 4 | |||||||||
6.14 | Twin Peaks S | TWINPS | 10479 | X not on SPS List | 2s3 | 10 reports on twin | ||||||||
6.15 | Kettle Peak | KETTLP | 10004 | X not on SPS List | 2s3 | 2 reports on kettle | ||||||||
7.11 | Farquhar Mt | FARQUM | 12887 | X not on SPS List | 2s3 | 1 report on farquhar | ||||||||
7.12 | Sphinx The | SPHNXT | 9143 | X not on SPS List | 5 | 1 pic of SphinxThe 2 reports on sphinx | need container and book | |||||||
7.13 | Palmer Mtn | PALMEM | 11254 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 reports on palmer | need permanent container (has book in temp plastic container) | |||||||
7.14 | Sphinx Crest | SPHNXC | 11525 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 reports on sphinx | need container and book | |||||||
9.13 | Fin Dome | FINDOM | 11693 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 2 pics of FinDome 7 reports on fin | ||||||||
9.14 | Mary Austin Mt | MARYAM | 13048 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 reports on maryaustin | ||||||||
9.15 | Kearsarge Pinnacles N | KEARSN | 11956 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 pic of KearsargePinnaclesN 8 reports on kearsarge | ||||||||
9.16 | Kearsarge Pinnacles S | KEARSS | 12031 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 1 pic of KearsargePinnaclesS 8 reports on kearsarge | ||||||||
9.17 | Charlotte Dome | CHARLO | 10670 | X not on SPS List | 5 | 1 pic of CharlotteDome 4 reports on charlotte | ||||||||
9.18 | Glacier Monument | GLACIM | 11154 | X not on SPS List | 0 | 1 report on monument | ||||||||
10.11 | Cedric Wright Mt | CEDRIM | 12372 | X not on SPS List | 1s3 | need better container | ||||||||
10.12 | Acrodectes Peak | ACRODP | 13183 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 pic of AcrodectesPk | need container, pencil, book | |||||||
10.13 | Crater Mtn | CRATRM | 12874 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 3 reports on crater | ||||||||
10.14 | Ickes Mt | ICKESM | 12968 | X not on SPS List | 2 | need container, pencil, book | ||||||||
10.15 | Window Pk | WINDOP | 12084 | X not on SPS List | 2 | |||||||||
11.10 | Eagle Peak South | EAGLES | 10318 | X not on SPS List | 1 | 1 pic of EaglePeak 4 reports on eagle | ||||||||
11.11 | Kettle Dome | KETTLE | 9446 | X not on SPS List | 4 | 2 reports on kettle | ||||||||
11.12 | Obelisk The | OBELIS | 9700 | X not on SPS List | 5 | 1 report on obelisk | ||||||||
11.13 | Kid Peak | KIDPEA | 11458 | X not on SPS List | 2 | |||||||||
11.14 | Vennacher Needle | VENACH | 12996 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 report on vennacher | need better container | |||||||
11.15 | Slide Peak | SLIDEP | 10915 | X not on SPS List | 2s3 | 4 reports on slide | ||||||||
12.11 | Balcony | BALCON | 13840 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 3 reports on balcony | need container and book | |||||||
13.13 | Woodworth Mt | WOODWM | 12219 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 reports on woodworth | ||||||||
13.14 | Rambaud Peak | RAMBAP | 11044 | X not on SPS List | ? | 1 report on rambaud | ||||||||
13.15 | Citadel The | CITADE | 11991 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 1 pic of CitadelThe 1 report on citadel | ||||||||
13.16 | Langille Peak | LANGIP | 11991 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 1 pic of LangillePeak 1 report on langille | ||||||||
13.17 | Solomons Mt | SOLOMM | 13016 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 pic of SolomonsMt 2 reports on solomon | need book and container | |||||||
13.18 | Ragged Spur Mt Hansen | RAGGED | 12975 | X not on SPS List | 2 | |||||||||
13.19 | Blackcap Mtn | BLACKC | 11559 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 reports on blackcap | ||||||||
14.12 | Hurd Peak | HURDPK | 12237 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 1 pic of HurdPeak 1 report on hurd | ||||||||
14.13 | Alice Mt | ALICEM | 11614 | X not on SPS List | 2 | |||||||||
14.14 | Polemonium Peak | POLEMP | 14000 | X not on SPS List | 4 | 1 pic of PolemoniumPeak 7 reports on polemonium | need book up to 5.5 x 7 inches | |||||||
14.15 | Columbine Peak | COLUMP | 12662 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 1 pic of ColumbinePeak 2 reports on columbine | need container and book | |||||||
14.16 | Starlight Peak | STARLP | 14040+ | X not on SPS List | 5 | 2 pics of StarlightPeak 5 reports on starlight | need gallon freezer bag and spare pencils | |||||||
15.14 | Spencer Mt | SPENCM | 12400 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 3 reports on spencer | ||||||||
15.15 | Warlow Mt | WARLOM | 13508 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 report on warlow | need container, book, pencil | |||||||
15.16 | Powell aka Pt Wesley | POWELW | 13356 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 pic of PowellakaPtWesley 10 reports on powell | ||||||||
15.17 | Powell Mt aka Pt John | POWELJ | 13364 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 2 pics of PowellMtakaPtJohn 10 reports on powell | ||||||||
15.18 | Clyde Spires East | CLYDEE | 13200 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 5 reports on clyde | need book and pencil | |||||||
15.19 | Clyde Spires West | CLYDEW | 13200 | X not on SPS List | 3s4 | 5 reports on clyde | need book, pencil, and container | |||||||
15.20 | Picture Peak | PICTUP | 13120 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 4 reports on picture | ||||||||
16.12 | Ian Campbell Mt | CAMBEL | 10616 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 reports on iancampbell | ||||||||
16.13 | Givens Mt | GIVENS | 10648 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 3 reports on givens | ||||||||
16.14 | Kaiser Pk | KAISRP | 10310 | X not on SPS List | 1 | 2 reports on kaiser | ||||||||
16.15 | Matthes Pk | MATHSP | 12989 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 6 reports on matthes | ||||||||
17.12 | Starr Mt | STARRM | 12870 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 pic of StarrMt 12 reports on starr | need book and container, not an SPS peak | |||||||
17.13 | Mono Rock | MONORO | 11555 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 reports on mono | ||||||||
17.14 | Treasure Peak | TREASP | 12920+ | X not on SPS List | 3 | 1 pic of TreasurePeak 1 report on treasure | ||||||||
17.15 | Mist Peak | MISTPK | 12680+ | X not on SPS List | 2 | |||||||||
17.16 | Feather Peak | FEATHP | 13240+ | X not on SPS List | 2s3 | 1 pic of FeatherPeak 4 reports on feather | need book and container | |||||||
18.10 | Laurel Mtn | LAUREM | 11812 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 4 reports on laurel | need book and container (has tiny plastic container now) | |||||||
18.11 | Sharktooth Peak | SHARKP | 11640 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 report on sharktooth | need box and book | |||||||
18.12 | Cockscomb S | COCKSS | 10719 | X not on SPS List | 0 | 1 pic of CockscombS 6 reports on cockscomb | ||||||||
18.13 | Graveyard Peak | GRAVEP | 11520 | X not on SPS List | 2s3 | 2 pics of GraveyardPeak 3 reports on graveyard | need book | |||||||
19.10 | Ansel Adams Mt | ANSELM | 11760 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 2 pics of AnselAdamsMt 4 reports on anseladams | ||||||||
20.8 | Triple Divide Peak N | TRIPLN | 11607 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 pics of TripleDividePeakN 5 reports on triple | ||||||||
21.9 | Fletcher Peak | FLETCP | 11410 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 pic of FletcherPeak 2 reports on fletcher | ||||||||
21.10 | Rafferty Peak | RAFFEP | 11110 | X not on SPS List | 2 | |||||||||
21.11 | Unicorn Peak | UNICOP | 10880 | X not on SPS List | 4 | 1 pic of UnicornPeak 3 reports on unicorn | need container and book | |||||||
21.12 | Cockscomb N | COCKSN | 11040 | X not on SPS List | 4 | 1 pic of CockscombN 6 reports on cockscomb | ||||||||
21.13 | Matthes Crest | MATTHE | 10918 | X not on SPS List | 5 | 1 pic of MatthesCrest 6 reports on matthes | need book and pencil | |||||||
21.14 | Echo Peaks | ECHOPK | 11160 | X not on SPS List | 3 | 9 pics of EchoPeaks 11 reports on echo | ||||||||
21.15 | Eichorn Pinnacle | EICHOR | 10800 | X not on SPS List | 5 | 1 pic of EichornPinnacle 5 reports on eichorn | ||||||||
21.16 | Tenaya Peak | TENAYP | 10280 | X not on SPS List | 0 | 1 pic of TenayaPeak 6 reports on tenaya | need book and container | |||||||
21.17 | Lewis Mt | LEWISM | 12324 | X not on SPS List | 0 | |||||||||
21.18 | Kuna Peak | KUNAPK | 13002 | X not on SPS List | 2 | need needs permanent container | ||||||||
21.19 | Blacktop Peak | BLCKTP | 12720 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 reports on blacktop | ||||||||
21.20 | Donohue Peak | DONHUP | 12023 | X not on SPS List | 2 | |||||||||
21.21 | Amelia Earhart Peak | AMEARP | 11974 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 reports on ameliaearhart | need book, has only empty ammo box | |||||||
22.14 | Hoffmann Mt | HOFFMM | 10850 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 pics of HoffmannMt | ||||||||
22.15 | Tuolumne Peak | TUOLUP | 10845 | X not on SPS List | ? | 1 pic of TuolumnePeak 2 reports on tuolumne | ||||||||
22.16 | Ragged Peak | RAGGEP | 10912 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 reports on ragged | ||||||||
22.17 | White Mtn S | WHITES | 12057 | X not on SPS List | ? | 1 pic of WhiteMtn 10 reports on white | ||||||||
22.18 | Tioga Peak | TIOGAP | 11526 | X not on SPS List | ? | 1 pic of TiogaPeak 2 reports on tioga | need container | |||||||
22.19 | Robinson Peak | ROBINP | 10793 | X not on SPS List | ? | 2 reports on robinson | ||||||||
22.20 | Eagle Peak North | EAGLEN | 11841 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 4 reports on eagle | ||||||||
23.12 | Jacks Peak | JACKSP | 9856 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 pic of JacksPeak 6 reports on jacks | ||||||||
23.13 | Rubicon Peak | RUBICP | 9183 | X not on SPS List | 2s3 | 1 pic of RubiconPeak 2 reports on rubicon | ||||||||
23.14 | Jobs Sister | JOBSIS | 10823 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 4 reports on jobssister | ||||||||
23.15 | Jobs Peak | JOBSPK | 10633 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 4 reports on jobs | ||||||||
23.16 | Stevens Peak | STEVEN | 10059 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 2 reports on stevens | ||||||||
23.17 | Red Lake Peak | REDLKP | 10063 | X not on SPS List | 2s3 | 15 reports on red | need everything, may be climbed too often to maintain | |||||||
23.18 | Elephants Back | ELEPHA | 9585 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 report on elephant | ||||||||
23.19 | Thunder Mtn | THUNMT | 9408 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 6 reports on thunder | ||||||||
23.20 | Thimble Peak | THIMBL | 9805 | X not on SPS List | 2s5 | 3 reports on thimble | ||||||||
23.21 | Sisters E | SISTRE | 10153 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 4 reports on sister | ||||||||
23.22 | Raymond Peak | RAYMOP | 10014 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 report on raymond | ||||||||
23.23 | Reynolds Peak | REYNOP | 9679 | X not on SPS List | 0 | |||||||||
23.24 | Dardanelles Cone | DARDAN | 9524 | X not on SPS List | 0 | 1 report on dardanelles | ||||||||
23.25 | Sonora Peak | SONORP | 11462 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 1 pic of SonoraPeak 3 reports on sonora | need container, book, pencil | |||||||
23.26 | White Mtn N | WHITEN | 11398 | X not on SPS List | 2 | 10 reports on white | need container, book, pencil |
Click on the links below for data on the peaks in a single region. | ||
Region 01 | Southern Sierra | 10 peaks |
Region 02 | Mineral King And Kern River | 10 peaks |
Region 03 | Olancha To Langley And West | 11 peaks |
Region 04 | Corcoran To Whitney | 10 peaks |
Region 05 | Whitney To Williamson | 10 peaks |
Region 06 | Kaweahs And West | 15 peaks |
Region 07 | Great Western Divide | 14 peaks |
Region 08 | Kings Kern Divide | 12 peaks |
Region 09 | Kearsarge Pass Vicinity | 18 peaks |
Region 10 | Baxter Pass To Taboose Pass | 15 peaks |
Region 11 | Western Mid-Sierra | 15 peaks |
Region 12 | South Palisades | 11 peaks |
Region 13 | Mt Goddard Vicinity | 19 peaks |
Region 14 | North Palisades | 16 peaks |
Region 15 | Evolution Area | 20 peaks |
Region 16 | Humphreys Basin And West | 15 peaks |
Region 17 | Bear Creek Spire Area | 16 peaks |
Region 18 | Mono Creek To Mammoth | 13 peaks |
Region 19 | Ritter Range And Vicinity | 10 peaks |
Region 20 | Clark Range And Vicinity | 8 peaks |
Region 21 | Mt Lyell And North | 21 peaks |
Region 22 | Tioga Pass To Bond Pass | 20 peaks |
Region 23 | Bond Pass To Lake Tahoe | 26 peaks |
Region 24 | Northern Sierra | 9 peaks |
Useful Links: