Sierra Peaks - Region 17
Bear Creek Spire Area

Generated on 10 Aug 2024 - see revision history - please send updates to the webmaster

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info Region 17 GPS Waypoints: download GPX file.

16 peaks in Region 17: GPS route BEAR CREEK SPIRE AREA (scroll down for map)

Bear Creek Spire Area
sorted alphabetically on SPS column
Click on the peak name for similarly named peaks in a statewide peaks database.
click on these headings to sort by that column click on these headings for more info
Num Peak Name
(more links)
Waypoint Elev SPS ClassPics and
UTM hint
7.5' USGS
topo quad
17.1Merriam PeakMERRIP13103 22 pics of MerriamPeak
10 reports on merriam
436304Mt Hilgard 
17.2Royce PeakROYCEP13280+ 21 pic of RoycePeak
8 reports on royce
432314Mt Hilgardneed
17.3Julius Caesar MtJULIUM13200+ 21 pic of JuliusCaesarMt
7 reports on juliuscaesar
423357Mt Hilgardneed
17.4Hilgard MtHILGAM13361 21 pic of HilgardMt
5 reports on hilgard
383362Mt Hilgard 
17.5Recess PeakRECESP12813 21 pic of RecessPeak
4 reports on recess
358387Mt Abbotneed
17.6Gabb MtGABBMT13680+ 23 pics of GabbMt
6 reports on gabb
405380Mt Abbotneed
17.8Dade MtDADEMT13600+ 22 pics of DadeMt
13 reports on dade
426385Mt Abbot 
17.10Mills MtMILLSM13451 31 pic of MillsMt
3 reports on mills
416399Mt Abbot 
17.11Morgan S MtMORGNS13748 21 pic of MorganSMt
11 reports on morgan
467410Mt Morganneed
17.9Abbot MtABBOTM13704E31 pic of AbbotMt
7 reports on abbot
421390Mt Abbotneed
17.7Bear Creek SpireBEARCK13720+M3s43 pics of BearCreekSpire
15 reports on bear
436370Mt Hilgard 
17.12Starr MtSTARRM12870X21 pic of StarrMt
12 reports on starr
439437Mt Abbotneed
17.13Mono RockMONORO11555X22 reports on mono413448Mt Abbot 
17.14Treasure PeakTREASP12920+X31 pic of TreasurePeak
1 report on treasure
428395Mt Abbot 
17.15Mist PeakMISTPK12680+X2 364382Mt Abbot 
17.16Feather PeakFEATHP13240+X2s31 pic of FeatherPeak
4 reports on feather
426323Mt Hilgardneed

NOTE: M = Mountaineers Peak, E = Emblem Peak, X = not on SPS List (in 'SPS' column)
      ^ = metric contours and elevations on 7.5' maps (in 7.5' map columns)
      Name Mt  => 'Mt' is before peak 'Name' (ex: Rose Mt is Mount Rose, but sorted on 'Rose')
      Name Mtn => 'Mtn' is after peak 'Name' as listed (ex: Muah Mtn is Muah Mountain)
The "UTM Hint" in the table above approximates the peak location to the nearest 100 meters.
Click here for info on Universal Transverse Mercator coordinates.

Map of Peaks in Region 17, GPS Route BEAR CREEK SPIRE AREA

Map exported from TOPO! software, used with permission.

Useful Links: