Niagra & Jones

29 Jun 2002 - by Kay Miller

Ron Cunning, Gary Doyle, Dorothea Frohner, and I had a successful trip up these two peaks on Saturday, 7/29. Conditions were totally dry in the upper basin and trail was visible all the way to the top. If you plan to do these peaks in the near future, please note that NO CAMPING is being allowed the full west side of Silverton on 586. Signs indicate camping is closed secondary to extreme fire danger. The usual campsite at Eureka is closed to all camping and signs are posted along all trailheads for NO CAMPING. The town is hearding all camping to the South Mineral Camp Ground west of town at the Junction of 550 and 585 (trailhead to Vermillion/Pilot Knob, etc.) Once crossing over to the east side of Cinnamon Pass, however, you can camp wherever you like (American Basin is open for camping). By the way, I was able to get over Cinnamon Pass in a Rav go for it!

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